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CompTIA A+ Practice Test (220-802)

Use the form below to configure your CompTIA A+ Practice Test (220-802). The practice test can be configured to only include certain exam objectives and domains. You can choose between 5-90 questions and set a time limit.

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Free users are limited to 20 questions, upgrade to unlimited

Seconds Per Question
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Exam Objectives
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CompTIA A+ 220-802 Information

The CompTIA A+ certification is for aspiring or entry level Information Systems Technicians. The A+ certification covers basic installation and configuration of computer hardware and software. The exams will include topics involving PC's, laptops, various operating systems, mobile devices, tablets, basic computer networking, and troubleshooting. The certification requires passing the 220-801 and 220-802 exams, both consisting of multiple choice and performance-based questions.

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