
Free AWS Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 Practice Test

Prepare for the AWS Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 exam with this free practice test. Randomly generated and customizable, this test allows you to choose the number of questions.

  • Questions: 15
  • Time: 15 minutes (60 seconds per question)
  • Included Objectives:
    • Cloud Concepts
    • Security and Compliance
    • Cloud Technology and Services
    • Billing, Pricing, and Support
Question 1 of 15

A company is looking for a highly available and durable storage service to archive their financial records, which they need to retain for 7 years for compliance reasons. The records will be accessed very infrequently and retrieval time can be of several hours. Which AWS storage service should the company use to meet these requirements most cost-effectively?

  • Amazon S3 Glacier

  • Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)

  • Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

  • Amazon S3 Standard

Question 2 of 15

Which benefit best describes why a company would choose AWS Cloud over maintaining their own physical data centers?

  • Longer time to deploy resources

  • Consistent resource utilization regardless of demand

  • Elasticity of resources to match demand

  • Higher initial expenditure on hardware

Question 3 of 15

A cloud architect is tasked with monitoring and analyzing the expenditures of a multi-account environment set up under a single organizational entity. The architect must be able to view both the comprehensive and individual breakdowns of spending. Which tool should the architect use to access detailed graphical analyses and generate reports that show cost allocation across all accounts in the organization?

  • The tool that provides advanced analytics for cost and usage across multiple accounts

  • The service that helps configure transparent billing for an individual account

  • The feature that allows setting limits and alerts for predicted costs and usage

  • The calculator used for estimating the prospective costs for services before they are deployed

Question 4 of 15

Which service provides a fully managed platform for secure hosting of private Git repositories to facilitate collaborative coding projects?

  • CodeDeploy

  • CodePipeline

  • CodeCommit

  • X-Ray

Question 5 of 15

Which service offered by the leading cloud provider allows users to obtain necessary governance-related reports and adhere to various contractual frameworks?

  • AWS Calc

  • SSL Taxonomy

  • AWS Artifact

  • Search Enhancement Service

Question 6 of 15

Which of the following is a principle of the AWS Well-Architected Framework that emphasizes the need to keep track of the entire system, and automate changes to the environment?

  • Cost Optimization

  • Performance Efficiency

  • Reliability

  • Operational Excellence

Question 7 of 15

A company is looking to implement a memory-based, high-performance database to support sub-millisecond latency for their real-time gaming application. They require a managed service that allows them to maintain a leaderboards feature with frequent updates and retrievals. Which AWS service would be the BEST option for this use case?

  • Amazon ElastiCache for Redis

  • Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

  • Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)

  • Amazon Aurora

Question 8 of 15

A company requires detailed information on actions taken within their cloud environment, such as user actions and accesses, for compliance auditing. To address this need, which service should primarily be used to capture and record these interactions?

  • CloudWatch

  • Inspector

  • CloudTrail

  • Security Hub

Question 9 of 15

A startup is looking for a solution to automate the setup of their cloud-based infrastructure, ensuring they can easily replicate environments for different stages of their product lifecycle. Which option would allow them to define their web application's resources in code, offering a repeatable way to deploy and manage the infrastructure?

  • Utilize a container management service to orchestrate their deployment processes.

  • Use an application deployment service that abstracts away most of the underlying configuration details.

  • Implement a configuration management service to automate the platform setup.

  • Adopt a service that allows them to declare their infrastructure as code through templates.

Question 10 of 15

A business is looking to implement a solution that would allow them to automate the setup of their computing resources for various environments such as development, testing, and production. The solution should support codification of infrastructure to enable consistent deployments. Which service should they use to best meet these requirements?

  • Management Console

  • Command Line Interface

  • Infrastructure as Code service

  • Auto Scaling service

Question 11 of 15

Amazon Route 53 can only route traffic for domains that are registered with AWS.

  • True

  • False

Question 12 of 15

An organization needs to execute code in response to incoming web requests from a mobile app without the overhead of provisioning or maintaining servers. The workload is prone to experience unpredictable increases in demand. Which service should be used to handle these requirements efficiently?

  • Elastic Container Service with a serverless engine

  • A messaging service for notifications

  • Lambda

  • Elastic Compute Cloud instances

Question 13 of 15

A Cloud Practitioner has identified a website utilizing cloud infrastructure to conduct fraudulent activities. In order to notify the appropriate team within the cloud provider's organization about this malicious activity, which team should they reach out to and through which method should the concern be raised?

  • Reach out to the general support team with detailed documentation regarding the fraudulent site.

  • Submit an abuse report through the designated form handled by the team oversees Trust & Safety concerns.

  • Email the legal department with information and evidence concerning the malicious operations.

  • Inform the generic Helpdesk to seek immediate action against the reported incident.

Question 14 of 15

To establish a private and dedicated network pathway from a company's datacenter to their cloud environment, bypassing the public internet, which service should be utilized?

  • Amazon Virtual Private Network (VPN)

  • AWS Direct Connect

  • AWS Transit Gateway

  • Amazon Route 53

Question 15 of 15

A company needs to routinely update and manage a large number of cloud resources to keep up with the dynamic demands of its customers. Which method of resource management offers the most efficiency for this scenario?

  • Implementing infrastructure automation through scripting and the use of templates.

  • Creating custom, one-off deployment scripts for every individual update.

  • Executing command-line operations individually to manage each deployment requirement.

  • Manually interacting with the cloud provider's web interface for each deployment cycle.