Design and Build Desktops Workstations

Onboard Graphics
Apple M2
Intel i5
High End Graphics Card
4x2GB Memory
2x1GB Memory
Intel i7
750W Power Supply
4x8GB Memory
1000W Power Supply
ARM Cortex

You have been asked to design and build two Windows 11 x86-64 based workstations for employees at your workplace. You are instructed by your manager to design them to meet the requirements below, while keeping costs down where possible.

Marketing Manager (left):

  • 1 monitor at their desk
  • Uses Outlook and Office Suite frequently
  • Uses Google Chrome frequently

Game Developer/Software Engineer (right):

  • 3 monitors at their desk
  • Uses Outlook and Office Suite on occasion
  • Uses Google Chrome frequently
  • Runs graphics intensive software frequently
  • Uses development software frequently

Not all slots and options will be used