CompTIA Security+ SY0-701 Practice Question

A senior financial officer receives an email demanding an urgent payment to a supplier. The message contains unusual language urging secrecy and immediacy, citing a confidential initiative spearheaded by the company’s top executive. Before proceeding with the financial transaction, which step should the officer take first to confirm the legitimacy of this unusual request?

  • Verify the request by initiating direct contact with the company's top executive using a previously known and trusted communication method.

  • Approve a minimal transaction to the demanded account to test for potential fraud alerts before sending the full amount.

  • Postpone any payment until there's an opportunity to casually confirm the request during a routine meeting with the executive.

  • Respond to the message requesting additional verification codewords that only the company's executives would know.

CompTIA Security+ SY0-701
Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Mitigations
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