AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 Practice Question

A company utilizes a centralized system for user credentials and seeks to grant employees the ability to utilize these same credentials to perform job-specific tasks within their cloud environment. What is the recommended solution to link the company's current system with the cloud services, allowing role assignment based on existing job functions?

  • Construct individual user profiles in the cloud directory service and execute a periodic sync for credentials from the existing on-premises system.

  • Amend the trust configurations in the centralized directory to directly accept authentication requests from the cloud directory service.

  • Enable a connectivity channel such as a VPN between the on-premises network and cloud network, controlling access through network routing and policies.

  • Implement a service like AWS IAM Identity Center to establish a trust relationship between the centralized credentials system and the cloud provider, permitting role mapping accordingly.

  • Deploy a connector that interfaces with the existing credentials directory and assign cloud user profiles to authenticate against it.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03
Design Secure Architectures
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