AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 Practice Question

A company is designing a new web application that is expected to be predominantly read-heavy with sporadic but significant write loads during seasonal events. The application must deliver high performance and low-latency reads under all circumstances. Which AWS database service and configuration should be recommended to best fulfill these requirements?

  • Utilize Amazon RDS for MySQL without additional read replicas for simplicity

  • Configure Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) with S3 Select to function as the database for read operations

  • Implement Amazon Redshift as the primary database to perform both transactional and analytical workloads

  • Leverage Amazon DynamoDB with strongly consistent reads enabled to handle read-heavy application loads

  • Deploy the application's database on Amazon Aurora with multiple read replicas

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03
Design High-Performing Architectures
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