CompTIA PenTest+ PT0-002 Practice Question
When referring to security threats, what is the primary characteristic of the activity where unsolicited messages are sent in bulk to numerous recipients?
Brute force attacks
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When referring to security threats, what is the primary characteristic of the activity where unsolicited messages are sent in bulk to numerous recipients?
Brute force attacks
Spamming is characterized by the mass distribution of unsolicited messages. These messages might be commercials, scams, or harmful links and can be delivered via email, messaging platforms, social media, or other communication tools. They are typically sent in bulk to a large number of recipients. While 'Phishing' is also an unsolicited communication, it is specifically crafted to trick individuals into divulging personal information and is not necessarily done in bulk. 'Spoofing' involves impersonating another device or user on a network to bypass security measures or gain unauthorized access, which does not inherently involve mass messaging. 'Brute force attacks' refer to the trial-and-error method used to decode encrypted data or credentials, not the sending of messages.
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