AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 Practice Question

Your application uses an Amazon DynamoDB table to serve user profile information. You notice an increase in the read load causing throttling issues due to repeated accesses to the same items. Which caching strategy should you implement to minimize read latency and reduce the load on the DynamoDB table while ensuring data consistency for frequently accessed items?

  • Set a time-to-live (TTL) for user profiles to invalidate the cache periodically

  • Apply lazy loading to load user profiles into the cache only when updates occur

  • Implement a read-through cache using Amazon ElastiCache

  • Store user profiles in Amazon S3 and synchronize them with DynamoDB

  • Increase the read capacity units (RCUs) for the DynamoDB table to handle the higher load

  • Use a write-through cache to preload user profiles into Amazon ElastiCache

AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02
Development with AWS Services
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