CompTIA A+ 220-1101 Practice Question
What is the primary role of a patch panel in a network cabinet?
Enhancement of wireless signal strength
Regulation of network traffic
Enforcement of network security protocols
Management of cable connections
What is the primary role of a patch panel in a network cabinet?
Enhancement of wireless signal strength
Regulation of network traffic
Enforcement of network security protocols
Management of cable connections
A patch panel serves as a static switchboard that uses cable connections to interconnect network computers within a LAN to various lines in a building. The correct answer is the management of cable connections as it centralizes cables and provides a precise point for cables to be arranged in an organized manner. Network traffic regulation and network security enforcement are functions that are performed by active network devices such as switches, routers, and firewalls, and these are not duties of a patch panel. The enhancement of wireless signal strength is also not a function of a patch panel as it is related to access points and signal boosters.
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