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Free CompTIA A+ 220-1101 Practice Test

Prepare for the CompTIA A+ 220-1101 exam with our free practice test. Randomly generated and customizable, this test allows you to choose the number of questions.

  • Questions: 5
  • Time: 60 seconds per question (0 hours, 5 minutes, 0 seconds)
  • Included Objectives:
    • Mobile Devices
    • Networking
    • Hardware
    • Virtualization and Cloud Computing
    • Hardware and Network Troubleshooting

You work for a small enterprise with 3 on-premise servers and a shared private network. You are able to connect a new laptop to the wireless network but it has no network or internet connectivity. The servers on the same network are working as expected. You know these servers have static IPs. Based on this info, where should you start looking FIRST?

  • Try connecting to 5Ghz instead of 2.4Ghz

  • Check for WiFi interference

  • Check DHCP is working correctly

  • Disable the firewall between the WiFi and VLAN networks

What is the purpose of entering a PIN code during the Bluetooth pairing process?

  • To reset the Bluetooth device to factory settings

  • To authenticate and establish a secure connection between devices

  • To increase the range of the Bluetooth signal

  • To specify the type of data that can be shared

  • To configure the Bluetooth device's network settings

  • To set a permanent password for the device

In a virtualized environment, what technology is used to run the virtual machines?

  • Hypervisor

  • Virtual Host Machine (VHM)

  • vHost

  • Sandbox

Several employees are experiencing poor quality and interruptions during VoIP calls around the same time. After verifying that the VoIP software configurations are correct, which of the following is the BEST action to take to resolve the problem?

  • Upgrade the VoIP software to the latest version

  • Check the QoS configurations on network devices to prioritize VoIP traffic.

  • Switch to a different VoIP service provider as the current one may have a bad connection

  • Replace the employee's patch cable connecting their phone or computer to the network

A user's workstation is reporting inaccurate system date/time and the issue persists after replacing the CMOS battery. Your initial theory was that the CMOS battery needed replacement. Given that the issue remains, what should be your NEXT step in troubleshooting?

  • Replace the computer, as it is indicative of a failing machine.

  • Escalate the problem to the vendor immediately.

  • Examine the motherboard for faults or damage that might be causing the problem.

  • Perform a BIOS update in the hopes that it will correct the issue.

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