CompTIA Security+ SY0-701 Practice Question
What term is used to describe a component within a system that, if it were to fail, would cause the entire system to cease functioning?
Limiting factor
Single point of failure
What term is used to describe a component within a system that, if it were to fail, would cause the entire system to cease functioning?
Limiting factor
Single point of failure
A Single point of failure refers to any critical part of a system which, if it fails, would result in the failure of the entire system. The identification and mitigation of such points are crucial in designing secure and highly available systems. Redundancy is often introduced to systems to prevent a single failure from causing a system-wide outage. Documentation is essential for maintaining records; however, it does not directly relate to a component's failure impact on a system. Scalability pertains to the ability of a system to grow and handle increased demand, while limiting factors are components or variables that can restrict system performance but not necessarily lead to a complete system shutdown.
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