AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 Practice Question

A web application currently experiences periods of high latency during unexpected surges in user traffic, primarily attributed to an increased volume of read operations against the platform's relational database. The database is tuned for average loads, but cannot handle these surges efficiently, which affects end-user experience. To improve performance during these peak times in a cost-effective manner, which service should a Solutions Architect recommend?

  • Enhance the application to contain a local caching mechanism for frequently accessed dataset.

  • Increase the compute capacity of the database tier to handle the additional workload during traffic spikes.

  • Distribute the load by configuring additional replicas of the data layer across different geographical regions.

  • Partition the database into smaller, more manageable datastores to spread the read demand.

  • Introduce a managed caching service with on-demand scalability to absorb the increased read demand on the database.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03
Design High-Performing Architectures
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