AAMA CMA Practice Question
The use of collection agencies to manage unpaid patient accounts requires a healthcare provider to wait a minimum of 120 days from the date of the first billing statement before initiating such action.
The use of collection agencies to manage unpaid patient accounts requires a healthcare provider to wait a minimum of 120 days from the date of the first billing statement before initiating such action.
The correct answer is that the statement is false. There is no specific federally mandated minimum number of days a healthcare provider must wait before sending an account to collections. However, providers often wait for a period of 60 to 120 days and attempt to collect the debt internally through statements and phone calls before turning the debt over to a collection agency. This varies by office policy and state regulations. Additionally, the Affordable Care Act requires nonprofit hospitals to wait at least 120 days before taking extraordinary collection actions, but this regulation does not universally apply to all healthcare providers.
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