AAMA CMA Practice Question
During the administration of an intramuscular injection, which item of personal protective equipment must a medical assistant use when there is a risk of a blood splash?
Face shield
Surgical gown
Sterile drapes
During the administration of an intramuscular injection, which item of personal protective equipment must a medical assistant use when there is a risk of a blood splash?
Face shield
Surgical gown
Sterile drapes
Gloves are mandatory for protection during procedures where contact with blood or bodily fluids is anticipated, such as the administration of an intramuscular injection. While a face shield might also be used when there is a risk of splashing, it is not used alone without gloves. A gown provides barrier protection for the skin and personal clothing, often used in procedures with a high risk of contamination, but again, it is not used without gloves for tasks with a risk of hand exposure to blood. Sterile drapes are used to create a clean area, often during surgeries or complex procedures, and do not serve as PPE for the provider against blood splashes.
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