AAMA CMA Practice Question
During a routine examination, a patient exhibits an enlarged lymph node. The medical assistant knows that a lymph node is an example of which type of structural unit?
An organ
A tissue
An organ system
A cell
During a routine examination, a patient exhibits an enlarged lymph node. The medical assistant knows that a lymph node is an example of which type of structural unit?
An organ
A tissue
An organ system
A cell
A lymph node is an example of an organ. Organs are made up of different types of tissues that work together to perform specific complex functions. In the case of a lymph node, it has multiple tissue types that collaborate to filter lymphatic fluid and aid in the immune response. A cell is the most basic structural unit and is too simplistic to perform the complex functions of a lymph node. A tissue is a group of similar cells that perform a particular function and does not have the complexity of an organ. An organ system is a higher level of organization that includes various organs working in coordination, such as the lymphatic system.
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