While working on a software project that manages a library's book inventory, you are asked to create an object to represent each book in the system. Each book should have information about its title, the author, and a function to display this information. Which of the following examples correctly defines such an object?
{ 'Gulliver’s Travels', 'Jonathan Swift', function displayBookInfo() { console.log('Displaying book information'); } }
{ title: 'Gulliver’s Travels', author: 'Jonathan Swift', displayInfo: function() { console.log(this.title + ', written by ' + this.author); } }
[ 'Gulliver’s Travels', 'Jonathan Swift', function() { console.log('Displaying book information'); } ]
{ title: function() { return 'Gulliver’s Travels'; }, author: function() { return 'Jonathan Swift'; }, displayInfo: 'Display Book Information' }