A Server would most benefit from using a 64-bit CPU over a 32-bit CPU, because:
Memory Access: A 64-bit CPU can address significantly more memory than a 32-bit CPU (up to 18.4 million TB vs. 4 GB), which is especially beneficial for servers that often need large memory capacity for handling extensive databases, virtualization, and heavy multi-user applications.
Performance: 64-bit CPUs generally offer improved performance for multi-threaded and complex computations, which are common on servers handling multiple requests and large datasets.
While other devices like Gaming PCs and Laptops also benefit from 64-bit CPUs for better performance and memory management, servers typically experience the most significant advantages due to their high demand for processing power and memory.
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Why do laptops specifically benefit more from 64-bit CPUs compared to other devices like mobile phones and tablets?
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What are the differences in memory capacity between 32-bit and 64-bit CPUs?
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What kind of demanding applications would benefit from a 64-bit CPU?