In a database, what term is used to describe the characteristic that ensures data remains available and unchanged over time unless purposely modified or deleted?
Data persistence refers to the longevity of data and its ability to remain in the database in an unaltered state over time. This is a key concept in understanding how databases are designed to ensure reliability and stability of the data they contain. Data will not disappear or change on its own, which is important for maintaining data integrity. 'Data volatility' is incorrect because volatility implies that data is likely to change rapidly and unpredictably, which is not desirable in a database context. 'Data transience' suggests that data is temporary, which contradicts the principle of data persistence. 'Data impermanence' indicates that data is not lasting, which is also the opposite of what is desired in databases.
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What is data persistence in the context of databases?
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Why is data persistence important for data integrity?
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What are some mechanisms used to ensure data persistence in databases?