AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02 Practice Question

Your company is deploying a new microservice on AWS that will access an Amazon DynamoDB table to only read records. As an AWS developer, you are tasked with ensuring that the microservice's access adheres to the principle of least privilege. Which of the following would be the most appropriate action to take?

  • Remove any DynamoDB permissions from the microservice as it can assume the required permissions dynamically at runtime

  • Create an IAM policy with permissions for dynamodb:GetItem, dynamodb:BatchGetItem, dynamodb:Query, and dynamodb:Scan and attach it to the microservice's IAM role

  • Grant the microservice full access to the Amazon DynamoDB table

  • Create an IAM policy that includes dynamodb:PutItem and dynamodb:UpdateItem and attach it to the microservice's IAM role

AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C02
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