CompTIA CySA+ CS0-003 Practice Question
What is a common organizational inhibitor that might slow down the application of patches to critical systems?
Vendor constraints
Business process interruption
Legacy systems
Degrading functionality
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What is a common organizational inhibitor that might slow down the application of patches to critical systems?
Vendor constraints
Business process interruption
Legacy systems
Degrading functionality
Business process interruption is a common inhibitor to remediation because organizations often prioritize maintaining their critical operations over implementing security measures that may disrupt those processes. Understanding the importance of this inhibitor helps cybersecurity professionals negotiate remediation activities with minimal impact on business continuity. Degrading functionality and Legacy systems are also considerations but are more related to the direct effects of applying the patch rather than the organizational desire to avoid disruptions. Vendor constraints are an external inhibitor and typically not directly linked to the organization's internal decision-making process.
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