CompTIA A+ 220-1102 Practice Question
Which Windows edition provides the most comprehensive set of features suitable for large organizations managing numerous devices?
Pro for Workstations
Which Windows edition provides the most comprehensive set of features suitable for large organizations managing numerous devices?
Pro for Workstations
Enterprise - This is correct. Windows 10 Enterprise is designed specifically for large organizations with advanced needs for device and application management. It includes features like AppLocker, DirectAccess, Windows Defender Credential Guard, and advanced security and deployment tools. It offers the most comprehensive feature set for managing numerous devices in a corporate environment.
Pro - Windows 10 Pro includes business-oriented features like BitLocker, Remote Desktop, and domain joining, but it lacks some of the advanced tools and security features found in the Enterprise edition, making it less suitable for large-scale organizational management.
Home - Windows 10 Home is designed for personal use and lacks business-oriented features such as domain joining, Group Policy management, and advanced security options. It is not suitable for managing numerous devices in an organization.
Pro for Workstations - Windows 10 Pro for Workstations is tailored for high-performance computing with features like ReFS (Resilient File System) and support for advanced hardware configurations. While it includes some business features, it is not as comprehensive as the Enterprise edition for managing devices in large organizations.
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