Windows Command Line Flashcards

Moves command prompt to new directoryCD
Displays or edits the timeTIME
Adds or modifies user accounts, or displays user account informationnet user
Check and repair errors on a Windows Volume/driveCHKDSK
Tool to service and prepare Windows imagesDISM
Displays active TCP connections and portsNETSTAT
DNS lookup toolNSLOOKUP
Opens Command Prompt WindowCMD
Defragments a drive to improve performanceDEFRAG
Manages a computer's drives (disks, partitions, volumes, or virtual hard disks)diskpart
View/edit file/folder permissionsATTRIB
Displays computer properties and configuration detailsSYSTEMINFO
Stops a running process or applicationTASKKILL
Updates group policiesgpupdate
Displays files and folders in current directoryDIR
Maps the route between two workstations or a workstation and a networkTRACERT
Switch for getting help on using a command<command> /?
Query another computer or network to determine connectivityPING
Displays running processes and servicesTASKLIST
View group policy settings applied to a computer and usergpresult
Remove/Delete directoryRMDIR
Displays or edits the dateDATE
Displays IP ConfigurationIPCONFIG
Copies file(s) to another locationcopy, xcopy and robocopy
Displays computer's hostnameHOSTNAME
Scans and verifies the integrity of all protected system files and replaces incorrect versions with correct versionsSFC
Opens Registry EditorREGEDIT
Connects a computer to or disconnects a computer from a shared resourcenet use
Displays, sets or deletes Windows environment variablesSET
Formats a diskformat
Remove/Delete filesDEL
Shutdown or restart computershutdown