Windows Command Line Flashcards

View/edit file/folder permissionsATTRIB
View group policy settings applied to a computer and usergpresult
Connects a computer to or disconnects a computer from a shared resourcenet use
Displays or edits the timeTIME
Displays running processes and servicesTASKLIST
Opens Command Prompt WindowCMD
Query another computer or network to determine connectivityPING
Check and repair errors on a Windows Volume/driveCHKDSK
Adds or modifies user accounts, or displays user account informationnet user
Shutdown or restart computershutdown
Formats a diskformat
Displays, sets or deletes Windows environment variablesSET
Manages a computer's drives (disks, partitions, volumes, or virtual hard disks)diskpart
Copies file(s) to another locationcopy, xcopy and robocopy
Switch for getting help on using a command<command> /?
Scans and verifies the integrity of all protected system files and replaces incorrect versions with correct versionsSFC
Remove/Delete filesDEL
Displays files and folders in current directoryDIR
Stops a running process or applicationTASKKILL
Tool to service and prepare Windows imagesDISM
Displays computer's hostnameHOSTNAME
Displays active TCP connections and portsNETSTAT
Displays IP ConfigurationIPCONFIG
Defragments a drive to improve performanceDEFRAG
Moves command prompt to new directoryCD
DNS lookup toolNSLOOKUP
Maps the route between two workstations or a workstation and a networkTRACERT
Displays or edits the dateDATE
Displays computer properties and configuration detailsSYSTEMINFO
Remove/Delete directoryRMDIR
Opens Registry EditorREGEDIT
Updates group policiesgpupdate