Tech+ Acronyms and Abbreviations Flashcards

VRVirtual Reality
BD-ROMBlu-ray Disc Read-only Memory
WLANWireless Local Area Network
SFTPSecure File Transfer Protocol
HTTPSHypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer
PANPersonal Area Network
MP3Moving Picture Experts Group Layer-3 Audio
OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer
KbpsKilobit per second
MP4Moving Picture Experts Group Layer-4
CAMComputer-aided Manufacturing
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
GUIGraphical User Interface
NvMENon-volatile Memory Express
RISCReduced Instruction Set Computer
LTELong-term Evolution
PINPersonal Identification Number
CD-ROMCompact Disc-Read-only Memory
PCPersonal Computer
RJ11Registered Jack Function 11
TCPTransmission Control Protocol
WEPWired Equivalency Privacy
MACMedia Access Control
RJRegistered Jack
CLICommand-line Interface
POP3Post Office Protocol 3
PCIPeripheral Component Interconnect
ROMRead-only Memory
URLUniform Resource Locator
SSIDService Set Identifier
WPAWireless Protected Access
GbpsGigabit per second
vNICVirtual Network Interface Card
NASNetwork Attached Storage
PIIPersonally Identifiable Information
RAMRandom-access Memory
NATNetwork Address Translation
RJ45Registered Jack Function 45
IMAPSInternet Mail Access Protocol Secure
vHDDVirtual Hard Disk Drive
VPNVirtual Private Network
WPANWireless Personal Area Network
CD-RWCompact Disc-Rewritable
WPA2Wireless Protected Access 2
HDDHard Disk Drive
IaaSInfrastructure as a Service
PCIePeripheral Component Interconnect Express
GPUGraphics Processing Unit
PaaSPlatform as a Service
SNMPSingle Network Management Protocol
SSDSolid State Drive
USB-CUniversal Serial Bus-C
VGAVideo Graphics Array
WANWide Area Network
CADComputer-aided Design
WPA3Wireless Protected Access 3
CANController Area Network
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
NFCNear Field Communications
SD cardSecure Digital Card
SSLSecure Sockets Layer
ARMAdvanced RISC Machines
IMAPInternet Mail Access Protocol
OSOperating System
vRAMVirtual Random-access Memory
CDCompact Disc
GPSGlobal Positioning System
BPSBits Per Second
eSATAExternal Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol
SaaSSoftware as a Service
POPPost Office Protocol
DVIDigital Visual Interface
DIMMDual Inline Memory Module
IDEIntegrated Development Environment
DDRDouble Data Rate
ISPInternet Service Provider
EMIElectromagnetic Interference
SIDSystem Identifier
DVDDigital Video Disc
HDMIHigh-definition Multimedia Interface
USB-AUniversal Serial Bus-A
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
CPUCentral Processing Unit
GDPRGeneral Data Protection Regulations
NICNetwork Interface Card
DVD-RWDigital Video Disc-Rewritable
POP3SPost Office Protocol 3 Secure
MANMetropolitan Area Network
PSUPower Supply Unit
UPSUninterruptable Power Supply
ESDElectrostatic Discharge
DNSDomain Name System
VoIPVoice over Internet Protocol
HTMLHypertext Markup Language
RFRadio Frequency
vCPUVirtual Central Processing Unit
IoTInternet of Things
IPInternet Protocol
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
SSHSecure Shell
SATASerial Advanced Technology Attachment
TbpsTerabyte per second
USBUniversal Serial Bus
DaaSDesktop as a Service
FTPSFile Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer
SMTPSSimple Mail Transfer Protocol Secure
DSLDigital Subscriber Line
DVD-RDigital Video Disc-Recordable
AIArtificial Intelligence
LANLocal Area Network
SFPSmall Form-factor Pluggable
PHIPersonal Health Information
BIOSBasic Input/Output System
EULAEnd User License Agreement
MbpsMegabit per second

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