BCEN Certified Emergency Nurse Practice Test

Use the form below to configure your BCEN Certified Emergency Nurse Practice Test (BCEN-CEN-LATEST). The practice test can be configured to only include certain exam objectives and domains. You can choose between 5-90 questions and set a time limit.

Number of questions in the practice test
Free users are limited to 20 questions, upgrade to unlimited
Seconds Per Question
Determines how long you have to finish the practice test
Exam Objectives
Which exam objectives should be included in the practice test

BCEN Certified Emergency Nurse Information

Working in the dynamic, challenging and rewarding ED environment, certified nurses are prepared to assess, triage, stabilize, and help manage and care for every patient who walks through the door.

The Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN) is the foundational nursing specialty certification for RNs working in the ED and across the emergency spectrum. Nurses with a CEN are lifelong learners who demonstrate expertise in clinical practice and are better prepared for professional development and overall career success.

Be recognized, respected, and sought after. Be a Certified Emergency Nurse.

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