PMI Project Management Professional Practice Question
In a project with 6 stakeholders, there are 15 potential communication channels.
PMI Project Management Professional
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In a project with 6 stakeholders, there are 15 potential communication channels.
This statement is true. The number of communication channels is calculated using the formula N(N-1)/2, where N is the number of stakeholders. In this case:
6(6-1)/2 = 6(5)/2 = 30/2 = 15
Understanding this formula is important for project managers because it helps them anticipate the complexity of communications as the number of stakeholders increases. This knowledge aids in developing effective communication strategies, allocating resources for communication management, and maintaining efficient information flow throughout the project.
It's worth noting that if the number of stakeholders were to increase by just one (to 7), the number of communication channels would jump to 21, demonstrating how quickly communication complexity can grow in projects with many stakeholders.
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